Circular North provides advice, funding and education to better manage waste and recycling within northern Tasmanian communities, businesses and local governments.
Circular North is a regional initiative that was formed in 2007 and formerly hosted by the City of Launceston. Now hosted by NRM North, partners include the region’s eight local councils of Break O'Day, Dorset, Flinders Island, George Town, Launceston, Meander Valley, Northern Midlands and West Tamar.
Guided by the waste hierarchy, an internationally accepted guide for prioritising waste management practices, Circular North applies principles of ecologically sustainable development to inform their strategy and achieve significant improvements in resource recovery.
Circular North was previously funded through a voluntary levy on waste disposed to the region’s participating landfills. With the introduction of the state-wide waste levy, the Program has a revised governance structure and is funded by the Waste and Resource Recovery Board.
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