Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges for the 2024/2025 year

leaf graphic
Minor StructuresFences, signage, masts and forestry/tree removal$99.00
Minor StructuresSheds, decks and extensions up to 56m2$196.00
Change Of UseChange of use with no development$277.00
Change Of Use - Visitor
Accommodation Only
As per Visitor Accommodation Guidelines$250.00
Larger StructuresDwelling additions, outbuildings etc. over 56m2$359.00
New DwellingsBuilding Class 1 and 2 including units$640.00 per dwelling
OtherClass 3 through to 9 (all Commercial and industrial buildings, excluding farm sheds)0.1% of total value Minimum fee
Maximum fee $24,020
Level 2 ActivitiesLevel 2 ActivitiesAssessment fee as per
commercial fee above,
plus any additional
advertising costs
DemolitionDemolition works$208.00
AdvertisingAdvertising costs - Examiner Newspaper*$483.00
RetrospectiveLegalisation and Use and DevelopmentDouble normal fees
Subdivision$163.00 per lot
Minimum Fee $1,232.00
Boundary AdjustmentBoundary adjustment/consolidation$679.00
AdhesionApplication for adhesion order$713.00
AmendmentsScheme Amendment fee$4,036.00 plus 3 x advertising and + TPC fee
Combined Scheme Amendment and Development fee$4,036 plus 3 x advertising + development fee
Minor AmendmentMinor amendment to Planning Permit$273.00
Extension to PermitExtension of time to planning permit$218.00
PlansExamining and sealing of final plan$570.00
Stratum PlanStratum plan approval$343.00 + $74.00 per lot
Amendment to sealed planAmendment to Part 5 Agreements and covenants
where a hearing is required
Amendment to sealed planAmendment to Part 5 Agreements and covenants where no hearing is required$751.00
New Part 5 AgreementsAdministration fees for processing and sealing of Part 5 Agreement (exclusive of cost of drafting and creating
the agreement).


RefundsIf application is withdrawn  before assessment is commenced*If application is withdrawn
before further information is requested 75%, if after
RFI 25%”
Peer ReviewPeer review study by a suitably qualified person not employed by Council where specialist reports are submitted with an applicationCost of consultant plus 15% admin cost
Provision of a certificate of titleFolio text and folio plan$41.00

Public open space contributions are calculated in line with legislation – please contact Council's Planning Department.

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