Kinimathatakinta/George Town Art Prize Exhibition

Kinimathatakinta/George Town Art Prize Exhibition image

We are excited to announce the opening of the Kinimathatakinta/George Town Art Prize Exhibition! This is a fantastic opportunity for artists from our community to showcase their work, reflecting the rich array of artistic expression in our area.

Two of the winning artworks will become a prized addition to the George Town Council Art Collection and will be prominently displayed across various Council spaces.

The Kinimathatakinta/George Town Art Prize is more than just an exhibition; it is a platform for connection and dialogue, offering opportunities for artists and residents to come together and appreciate the creativity that thrives in our region. 

Exhibition Details:

  • Opening and Winners Announcement: Friday, 21 June 2024, 4pm at the Jim Mooney Gallery
  • Exhibition Dates: Friday, 21 June 2024 - Monday, 29 July 2024 | Tuesday to Saturday 11am - 2pm 


View the Art Prize Catalogue



  • Ashley Bird
  • Karen Hall
  • Scott Cunningham
  • Susan Mansell
  • Zara Sully

We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating the talent within our community!


Award Categories:

  • Kinimathatakinta/George Town Council Major Acquisitive Award. Sponsored by George Town Council for a work in any medium that the judges consider the highest quality of all entries.
  • Kanamaluka Photographic Award. Sponsored by Bell Bay Aluminium for a photographic work that the judges consider best captures the essence of Kanamaluka/Tamar River.
  • Emerging Artist Acquisitive Award. Sponsored by George Town Council for a work that the judges consider best from an artist aged between 18-25 years old. 
  • Packing Room Prize Award. Sponsored by Greg Dawson for a work judged by the staff who receive, unpack and hang the entries. Non-Acquisitive.
  • People’s Choice Award. Sponsored by Bridget Archer MP - Federal Member for Bass for a work that receives the most votes from the viewing public at the conclusion of the exhibition. Non-Acquisitive.