2017 Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients

10 May 2017

George Town Council extends their congratulations to the joint winners of the 2017 Volunteer of the Year Award - Mrs Doreen Cook and Mr Gary Glover

This award gives recognition to the valued work undertaken by our local volunteers.

Both Doreen and Gary have given hundreds of hours of their time over an extended period of time, to assist in various organisations
and areas of our community.  We are fortunate to have people of their calibre in our community
and Council thanks them for their ongoing voluntary work.

Doreen and Gary, along with all community volunteers, were recognised at a Volunteer Recognition Function held on Tuesday 9th May in the Jim Mooney Gallery.

Mrs Doreen Cook

Doreen is a well known, and passionate volunteer in our community.  The past 18 years has seen Doreen fulfil many volunteering roles – these include :

George Town Lions Club

Doreen has been a member of the Lions Club for 12 years. 

During this time, Doreen has undertaken various roles including President, and Secretary – a role she has fulfilled for the past 10 years, and is her current role at the Club.  She has been instrumental in assisting with the organizing of many of the Lions Clubs activities, including the annual Country Music Festival, Targa events, and various other community events where Lions have attended with their Food Van and/or their famous Merry Go Round.  Doreen spends on average 10 hours a week fulfilling the Secretary role, and is a great advocate for the Lions Club in George Town. 

George Town Wattle Group

Doreen has been a volunteer car driver with the Wattle Group for over 18 years.  Doreen was one of the original volunteer drivers when Council ran the community car program, and continued with this role when Wattle Group took over this responsibility.

She has transported hundreds of community members to various doctor’s appointments, transports Wattle members to Beauty Point, to shopping trips and many other places that these members of the community would otherwise have no access to it were not for volunteers like Doreen.  For so many, the time spent travelling with Doreen gives them a great social outing, and they look forward to their trips with her

 George Town Red Cross

As a member of the Red Cross, Doreen delivers meals on wheels on a weekly basis to many community members. This is a vital service for so many of our disabled and aged people in the community, and the time that Doreen gives is so greatly appreciated by them.

Mr Gary Glover 

Gary is a volunteer at the George Town Visitor Information Centre.

Gary commenced volunteering at the Visitor Information Centre in 2005 – 12 years ago.  Being a local resident, Gary has extensive knowledge of George Town and the surrounding areas and with his outgoing personality and confidence he readily welcomes our visitors with warmth and humour to promote what George Town and the surrounding Tamar Valley area has to offer. He exudes first class friendly service to customers, and his enthusiasm about George Town is infectious.  Visitors always leave with a smile on their face, and full of information about the community.  Gary’s work at the Information Centre has been recognised by letters of thanks, comments in the visitor book and online through Trip Advisor by those tourists that have had the good fortune to meet him, and they all reflect that Gary is a wonderful asset to our Centre. 

Gary volunteers on a permanent basis twice a week at the Centre, and will often volunteer at short notice when called.  In addition to the role within the Information Centre, Gary ensures that the external grounds of the Centre are maintained to a high standard and does odd jobs within the Centre if needed.

Gary is a much respected member of the volunteer team.  He champions others to always strive to achieve, encourages his colleagues with humour and warmth and assists the Coordinators with the daily running of the Centre.




2017 Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients image