2019 Volunteer of the Year Recognition Function

23 May 2019

At a volunteer recognition function held on Thursday 23rd May at the Memorial Hall, George Town Robert (Robbie) Crane, as named 2019 Volunteer of the Year. 

In announcing this year’s recipient Acting Mayor Tim Harris said “Robbie’s contribution to the sporting community goes well beyond increasing the skills of the players he coaches. Due to his work with the junior football club, there has been a significant shift in the culture of the Club. The children he coaches understand the importance of not just giving your best all times, but being good club/community representatives.  It is his mentorship of young people across his coaching roles that is to be so highly commended.  This is particularly evident with our more vulnerable children in the community”.

Council received five nominations for this year’s award, and extends their congratulations and thanks to:

Don Heather
Recognised for his long term dedication, commitment and service to the George Town Senior Citizens, and the Pilot Station Support Group.

Ann Pearce
Recognised for her long term voluntary role as coach, mentor and team manager of the George Town Saints Netball teams, Anne is also recognised for securing major grants to upgrade the netball club facilities.

Helen Moore
Recognised for her 15 years of voluntary service with the Wattle Group of George Town as a community car driver, 12 years volunteering with meals and wheels, and 4 years with the salvation army shop, and a great supporter of junior sports spanning over 10 years.

Stephen Clarke
Recognised for his long standing volunteer work with the Wattle Group, George Town Skating, and the George Town Junior and Senior Football Clubs.

In addressing the 130 attendees at the function, Acting Mayor Tim Harris  said “ I am sure like myself, you are humbled by the nominees standing here this evening for the extensive volunteer work they do for our community, and in turn, our residents”. It is very inspirational to listen to the many areas in which our volunteers give their time. They all have a passion for providing a better lifestyle for all of our community members. Each one of our nominees tonight are truly worthy of being the recipient of the 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award. 

Representatives from 47 volunteer community groups attended the function, with each organization receiving a Volunteer Appreciation Certificate. Acting Mayor Tim Harris said "All volunteers here tonight bring much to the organisation they are involved with, and in turn to our community.  Skills, advice, experience, friendship, vision, leadership, and inspiration.   You are all making a world of difference to our community, and we thank you."

Special guest at the function was the 2019 Tasmanian Hero of the Year - Vicki Purnell.  Vicki was recognised for the handmade keepsake packages and outfits she makes for stillborn babies.  Vicki donates all items to Tasmanian hospitals for distribution to families.  Every items is handmade and created to help grieving families during this difficult times in their lives.  Vicki also creates quilts for dementia patients called “fidget quilts” or “sensory quilts”, which she also delivers to local hospital.

2019 Volunteer of the Year Robbie Crane pictured with Acting Mayor Tim Harris and 2019 Tasmanian Hero of the Year, Vicki Purnell

Pictured below - 2019 Volunteer of the Year Nominees
Robert Crane, Helen Moore, Don Heather, Acting Mayor Tim Harris, 2019 Tasmanian of the Year, Vicki Purnell, Ann Pearce, Stephen Clarke

Our highly valued community volunteers

Special thank you to Dan, Alana and the Students from the Trade Training Centre Catering class.  The high quality catering, customer service and commitment of all is to be highly commended.


2019 Volunteer of the Year Recognition Function image