Council Supports Important Youth Programs and Initiatives

12 Nov 2021

George Town Council is proud to continue its ongoing partnerships and investment in youth development initiatives. 

RESET Program

RESET stands for Resilience, Empowerment, Strength, Education & Trust, and offers youths the opportunity to improve their resilience, behavioural, coping and social skills.  This is the epitome of the social fabric of George Town.  The program is a collective of the theTasmanian Police, KEEN Partners and the Department of Education who have been facilitating the program in George Town.


Council has also successfully supported the Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone in which it is a final contributor in obtaining funds for the establishment and subsequent expansion of the Northern Employment Hub.  The NEBHUB offers a place-based support service to help local businesses find the right people for their jobs.  Focused strongly on northern Tasmania, NEBHUB builds links between training, business, and employment.  Still in its infancy NEBHUB already and has a number of success stories.

Our Futures Youth Initiative

Council also successfully supported the Future Impact Group in obtaining $500k (with a co-contribution from Council) for the five year Our Futures Youth Initiative.

Our Futures George Town is a youth participation and capacity building program, that will see young people develop skills, engage in decision-making in the community and take actions around the issues that matter most to them. It will work within the framework of Collective Impact, ensuring that young people are centred in all activities or initiatives that affect them, with a strong basis in data (qualitative and quantitative) and working collaboratively with stakeholders across the community to achieve outcomes for young people. The project will also empower young people as the drivers and leaders of projects and initiatives that create the future they want for themselves and for the community. It will build agency, skills and capacity over a five-year period that will have a transformative effect on the broader community, as well as social, educational and employment outcomes for young people.

Youth Connector

Council successfully supported the submission to the State Government by YNOT, for a $1.3M  pilot Youth Connector Program to shared by Sorrell, Glenorchy and George Town.  The YC pilot is projected to support 480 young job seekers in the South East, Glenorchy and George Town over 24 months.  The YC pilot will deliver 336 local placements in one or more of the following: training, work experience, apprenticeships or traineeships, and employment.

The George Town Youth Connector will be managed by Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone’s, Northern Workforce Development Manager, which is also co-funded by George Town Council. 

The Youth Coordinator will be hosted at the Launchpad to be located at the ANZAC Drive Building which was procured by Council to facilitate the George Town Strategic Growth Initiatives for the purposes of providing alternate pathways to greater education and employment outcomes for our youth.

Future Impact Group

Council continues to invest in youth development, include auspicing the Future Impact Group.  The Future Impact Group has been successful in obtaining in excess of $1M to develop the Launchpad, GT Renew and Digital Warrior programs under the State Government’s Strategic Growth Initiative. These programs will provide a physical space for all in our community seeking to explore alternate pathways to skills development and employment.

With all of these exciting programs underway including those such as RESET, Council is confident the future for our local youth has never looked brighter. We are encouraged when we meet with our young people who show a desire to learn and apply themselves and demonstrate the qualities of our future leaders.