03 Mar 2022


The precinct of Hillwood runs adjacent to the East Tamar Highway and the current signage of speed limits throughout Hillwood consists of a mixture of 70, 60, 50 and 40km/h speed limits which are not signed in accordance with the Australian Standards and can be potentially confusing and could be simplified.

Speed limits are reviewed for many reasons and a variety of aspects are looked at when speed limits are being reviewed, including: 

  • safety concerns
  • crash history
  • review of George Town Council traffic survey data
  • the condition of the road
  • what the road is used for
  • how many people use the road
  • whether it is used by vulnerable road users, such as cyclists and pedestrians
  • the number of accesses and intersections
  • compliance with relevant standards and guidelines 

George Town Council is asking for your feedback on the proposed speed limit changes. We are contacting you, the community and stakeholders for your comments on the change to the speed zones.

Basically, the proposal is to reduce the speed limits from a combination of 70, 60, 50 and 40 to a simple arrangement of 60 and 40km/h. 

Your feedback and comments made to George Town Council will be considered as part of the review process. Included in this letter are 2 maps for easy reference highlighting the a) existing speed zones and b) the proposed speed zones. 

Also, George Town Council together with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment have recently signed the Council Licence for the improvements to commence at Hillwood Jetty Road to Craigburn Road to Egg Island Point, Hillwood.  This means works on the installation and construction of a shared use track, seats and signage for the purpose of the public to enjoy the recreational activities along the water front are approved.

These works will be programmed to commence later in the year. 

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to provide your feedback and comments in writing by email on council@georgetown.tas.gov.au or by letter by 25th March 2022.


Hillwoood road


Hillwoood road