Doggy Doo Bags

16 May 2023

Doggy doo bags have now been installed at River Boat Ramp and Sturdee Street, Weymouth.
You can also find Doggy doo bays:
  • Each end, and at the middle of Esplanade North
  • Lagoon Beach – both ends
  • Perrin Drive
  • Old Coast Road, Low Head
  • East Beach - both entrances
  • Low Head Pilot Station
  • Regent Square - both ends of Cimitiere Street
  • White Street - Pipeclay Bay
  • White Street Park
  • Esplanade South near Ewington Street
  • Esplanade South near Bowls Club
  • Dog Park at Sports Complex
  • Corner Macquarie & Main Street – pump track
  • Main Street outside Star of The Sea School
  • Bellingham Boat Ramp
  • Bellingham outside Hall
  • Bellingham outside Public Toilets
  • Beechford Recreation Ground
  • Beechford Esplanade near Bridge
  • Hillwood Recreation Ground, and at public toilets
  • Lulworth end of Beach Street
  • Lulworth Boat Ramp of Seascape Drive
Please report any issues or advise us if the doggy doo bag dispensers are empty.