George Town Municipality Business Survey

22 May 2024

George Town Municipality Business Survey

OPEN DATE: Wednesday 22nd of May 2024
CLOSING DATE: Wednesday 19th of June 2024

The George Town Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the George Town Council have put together this survey to better understand how businesses are tracking and to understand how we might provide further support or assistance.

This might be through improving our existing services, considering new services, distribution of business relevant information or advocating on your behalf on the issues raised in your responses.

So … what will we do with the information provided by you?

Your business identity or operation can remain anonymous if you choose.

  • The Chamber of Commerce will review the information and feedback provided to consider how it can further assist your business.
  • Council will consider your feedback on how it can improve its services based upon your feedback.
  • Both the Chamber and the Council will review your ideas to see what practical actions or initiatives can be undertaken.
  • We will collate the information and provide a summary back to you on what participating businesses have said.
  • Where feedback or common themes emerge on issues not related to Chamber or Council activities, we will advocate for you on such issues where appropriate.

Statement of Information Use

The full value of this survey can only be fully realised if participants agree that the collective summary results of the survey can be discussed and shared with others to advocate, or address matters that have been raised, or inform the community more broadly on the results. The name of individual businesses or participants will not be disclosed accept with the approval of the business or participant.

Important Information

By participating in this survey, you agree to the sharing of summary information for the purposes as described in the Statement of Use above.