Dalrymple and The Glen Road Junction Upgrade Project - Updates


Capital Works

Work is well underway on Council’s current road upgrade projects.

Construction is in progress at two junctions along Dalrymple Road (at The Glen Road and Old Bangor Tram Road), with each project at different stages of completion. Please see the details below for more information:

Dalrymple and The Glen Road Junction:

All excavation work has been completed, and the junction area was asphalted on 23rd August.

The reason all surfaces were not sealed at the same time is because asphalt and spray sealing require different surface conditions. Dryer surface conditions are required for spray sealing and must have a minimum temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, which wasn’t the case when the junction was asphalted.

The spray seal application is anticipated to take place in mid-September, weather permitting. Once all surfaces are sealed, line markings and signage will be completed.

Dalrymple and Old Bangor Tram Rd Junction:

Construction work is well underway, with the current focus on road widening excavation on the western side of Dalrymple Road. Once this is completed, the existing road will be reconstructed, followed by similar work on the Old Bangor Tram Road side.

Temporary traffic control measures will be adjusted depending on the level of work being carried out, always ensuring access for traffic in both directions.

All excavation work is expected to be completed by the end of October, with surfaces ready for sealing.

We aim to fully complete the project by 30 November 2024, to avoid disruptions during the upcoming summer season.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to improve our community’s infrastructure. Thank you for your patience during this time.

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