Tasmanians are being encouraged to 'Burn Brighter This Winter' to reduce wood smoke from household wood heaters.
It is important to keep warm and well in our homes during the winter months, so the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is working with Councils to educate and encourage householders to change the way a wood heater is operated to reduce smoke leaving the chimney.
The key message is that it is possible to operate a wood heater and produce less smoke by burning wood with a flame for 20 minutes when you add new wood, before shutting the air intake down overnight. Smouldering wood creates excessive smoke that can become trapped by cold air and linger in the air around our homes and neighbourhoods. This has the potential to cause considerable health impacts for the elderly, young children, or anyone with existing heart and lung disease.
The good news is that even in an old wood heater, residents can follow a few simple tips to reduce smoke.
- Only burn dry, seasoned wood.
- Always burn with a flame - don't let your fire smoulder.
- After reloading, open the air intake and burn your fire on high for 20 minutes, especially before going to bed.
- Ensure your flue is clear.
A well-maintained wood heater or fireplace should produce little visible smoke when a fire is burning well. Using your wood heater efficiently can reduce annual heating costs and will provide more heat and send less smoke out into your local area.
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