Make George Town Yours Projects - we want your feedback!



We hope that you have noticed the various projects that the Future Impact Group - Make George Town Yours team have been working on to improve the look and feel of Macquarie Street, George Town:

  • Entry Statement (Art Installation) at beginning of Macquarie Street
  • 4 x planter boxes on corner of Sorell and Macquarie Streets
  • 2 x parklets corner of Regent Square and outside Memorial Hall
  • Business Improvements – 7 local businesses were awarded Business Enhancement Grants to improve their shop front appeal.

The projects have been supported by the Department of State Growth (Jobs Tasmania), Rio Tinto Bell Bay Aluminium and the George Town Council.

The Make George Town Yours team really want to hear your feedback and would appreciate if you can spare 3-5 minutes to complete the survey at the following link: The survey will close on Friday 24th May.

You can also go into the draw to win 1 of 2 $50 Why Leave Town vouchers.

Information about the projects can also be found on the Future Impact Group website: and Facebook:

Entry Sign

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