Committed to maintaining a high level of public health protection.
Public Health Statement
George Town Council’s commitment to maintaining a high level of public health protection is identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2020-2030. As part of Council’s public health goals and objectives for 2022-2023 the Development and Environment Department has sought to:
1. Adopt Diversity, Equitable Access and Inclusion Policy that is to guide and direct us in all aspects of our service delivery to the community.
2. Continue to develop and promote responsible dog ownership through promoting the amenity and safety of the community and animal welfare, including promoting responsible dog ownership through our ‘Macca’ Program.
3. Continuing to actively participate in the Northern Regional Cat Management Working Group to develop and promote cat management programs to encourage responsible ownership and containment
4. Continuing to participate in immunisation programs, awareness and education materials
5. Review the Development and Environment Department practises to ensure the delivery of contemporary and customer driven outcomes
6. Continue to monitor Recreational Water Quality under the Public Health Act
7. Continue to work closely with food premises to ensure the highest food service standards are maintained, while supporting opportunities to develop their businesses and customer experiences
8. Continue to provide Building Surveying Services for our community
The immunisation program is delivered in conjunction with the George Town Medical Centre and provides vaccinations for school age children against preventable diseases in accordance with the Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule.
Immunisation are offered to grades 7 & 10 students at both Port Dalrymple School and Star of the Sea Catholic College.
Needle and Syringe Disposal
Council currently offer a sharps disposal container exchange service. This service is available during business hours for residents of the George Town municipality.
Although the risk of contracting diseases through needlestick injury is low, it is important that appropriate care is taken when handling and disposing of them.
Disposal of full or no longer needed sharps containers can be done for free at Council. Please make sure sharps containers presented at Council are:
Find out more information about the services provided by the Tasmanian Needle and Syringe Program here:
Department of Health Needle and Syringe Program
Recreational Water Sampling
The Public Health Act 1997 requires Council to monitor recreational waters (which includes both natural water and public pools and spas) for compliance under the Recreational Water Quality Guidelines 2007. Sampling of natural waters is undertaken monthly at specific locations from December to March to ensure the water is suitable for primary contact.
Sampling of public pools and spas is also undertaken monthly when the venue is open to the public to ensure the water is suitable for primary contact.
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