GT Neighbourhood House

George Town Neighbourhood House offer a variety of programs and services throughout the year.



Keep up to date with new of all upcoming programs on their facebook page or phone Neighbourhood House on 6312 3019.

Acqua Fitness is endorsed by Healthy George Town and offers class using water resistance to increase range of motion, strengthen muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness. It is not necessary to get your face wet.

Become a Healthy George Town Partner

Healthy George Town will consider endorsement of physical activity events and wellbeing programs and initiatives that reflect the goal and relate to the objectives of the project.

Endorsement will allow organisations to use to the ‘Healthy George Town’ branding in the promotion of their event or program. This branding will recognize the event or program as being involved in a broader health and wellness network that are contributing to the achievement of the goal of Healthy George Town.

Gaining Healthy George Town endorsement will also allow events and programs to be promoted through the Healthy George Town website, email networks and newsletter. Endorsed initiatives are also able to display the 'Endorsed by 'Healthy George Town' logo as seen in the below image.

Become an Endorsed Partner