Mindfulness Australiasia

Healthy Minds is for adults experiencing or at risk of anxiety, depression or stress. Learn mindfulness in a relaxed and supportive environment. 

Mindfulness refers to the capacity to be present in our lives, whatever the experience. To really notice what’s going on in our mind and our body, around us and with others. This way of paying attention then allows us to see our reactions and to open up a space so that we don’t just react but rather have more choice over our reactions. This is not always easy but it is where the power lays.

“The challenge of mindfulness is to be present for your experience as it is, rather than immediately jumping in to change it or to force it to be different” (Jon Kabat-Zinn).

Mindfulness can empower us to act wisely, in accordance with our values, to decide what is needed in this particular situation, this particular moment. We are the only ones who can really take care of our own needs and be in control of what we say and do and how we react to things. Cultivating our attention this way enables us to take care of ourselves in new ways, it allows our capacities to heal ourselves and make the most of our lives, to emerge.

Visit the website for more information : https://mindfulnessaus.com.au


Become a Healthy George Town Partner

Healthy George Town will consider endorsement of physical activity events and wellbeing programs and initiatives that reflect the goal and relate to the objectives of the project.

Endorsement will allow organisations to use to the ‘Healthy George Town’ branding in the promotion of their event or program. This branding will recognize the event or program as being involved in a broader health and wellness network that are contributing to the achievement of the goal of Healthy George Town.

Gaining Healthy George Town endorsement will also allow events and programs to be promoted through the Healthy George Town website, email networks and newsletter. Endorsed initiatives are also able to display the 'Endorsed by 'Healthy George Town' logo as seen in the below image.

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