drumMUSTER is the national program for the collection and recycling of empty, cleaned, non-returnable metal and plastic agvet chemical containers.

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drumMUSTER is the national program for the collection and recycling of eligible nonreturnable crop production and animal health product chemical containers from manufacturers participating in Agsafeā€™s Product Stewardship Programs.

drumMUSTER product is recycled into useful everyday items such as street signs, irrigation piping, plant stakes and outdoor furniture.

drumMUSTER provides:

  • an environmentally responsible solution for chemical users to the problem of disposing their empty chemical containers;
  • helps property owners to keep their property clean of potential contamination;
  • encourages good farming practice and meets Quality Assurance obligations; and
  • supports the preservation of the wider environment.

For more information visit http://www.drummuster.org.au/

Agsafe Effective Drum Rinsing Standards https://www.drummuster.org.au/...

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