Managing your cat

Cats are much loved and valued pets for many people. It has been estimated however that cats kill more than 75 million native animals a year.  They can also spread diseases to livestock, humans and wildlife. As we live in an area abundant in native wildlife, some of which are threatened, and where agriculture is an important industry, we encourage all cat owners to be responsible cat owners.

We are supporting a Northern Regional Cat Management Strategy and collaborating with other councils and stakeholders to promote responsible cat management as part of the state Cat Management initiative.

The TassieCat website is a great source of information for cat owners and others on keeping our cats, communities and wildlife safe.  The TassieCat facebook page is worth a look too. For information on cat management in Tasmania, including controlling cats under the Cat Management Act, visit the state government cat management webpages.

The Cat Management Act includes rules for trapping cats (seizing, detaining, destroying and releasing).  Animal welfare must be the first consideration for cat control.